In the 1960s, Jeff Bezo, Amazon and Blue Origin CEO, began intriguing the public with Blue Origin ’ s idea to launch private citizens 62 miles above the Earth in four-minute increments (Blum, 2015). Bezo wanted to transform the idea of a fantasy trip to space to an accessible reality for everyone. Like Blue Origin, Pan Am took reservations (but failed to deliver) for trips to the moon in 1969, further proving and reiterating the public ’ s interest in space travel. In November of 2015, Blue Origin landed its first reusable rocket in space (Blum, 2015). Clearly space tourism has developed over the years, but it has also experienced its fair share of setbacks along the way. In 1984 the first non-governmental employed astronaut, Charles D. Walker, explored space, flying three times between 1984 and 1985. Space Adventures, founded in 1998, has allowed private civilians to travel beyond the stratosphere, spendi...